Upcoming Events/Grand Knight’s Report

Please support the new executive for the June-Sept 2015/2016 Fraternal year:

Grand Knight VACANT
Financial Secretary Dave Freemantle
Deputy Grand Knight Gilles Deschenes
Recorder VACANT
Treasurer Tarcisio Rossi
Chancellor Gary Jeannotte
Advocate Bob Murphie
Warden Daryll Way
Inside Guard Chad Ciavarro
Outside Guard John Cabana
Trustee 3 years Michael de Faria-Neves
Trustee 2 years Enrico Garrone
Trustee 1 year Coral Kopchia
Lecturer TBA

Thanks to Bob Murphie for gathering nominations and conducting the election

The positions of Grand Knight and Recorder were not filled. If you are interested in filling these positions please contact Worthy Advocate Bob Murphie at bmurphie@telus.net.

The roles are as follows:

Grand Knight
The grand knight is responsible for the welfare of the council. He presides over council meetings, acts as an ex-officio member of all committees, appoints a membership and programming director, convenes officers for a monthly meeting, and ensures all necessary reports are submitted to the state and Supreme Council. He should also be aware of the council’s financial status and ensure that his signature appears on all checks drawn.

The recorder is similar to a court reporter or a secretary. He is responsible for maintaining a true record of all actions of the council and its correspondence. A Recorder’s Minute Book (#1403) is available from the Knights of Columbus Supply Department for keeping a record of council meetings.
A new District Deputy has been appointed for our District 20. He is Raymond Siglos the PGK of Our Lady of Mercy Council. Please welcome him.

Also please welcome our newest member Joe Alexander who attended the 1st degree on June 11 at All Saints Parish. He belongs to St Cyril and Methodius parish.

Gary Jeannotte – Joe Alexander – GK M de Faria-Neves

Thanks to Bro. Bruce and all the Knights who helped at the June 7 Pancake Breakfast and at the Altar boys Appreciation day on June 13 which was a great success.

I also had the privilege of presenting the two $250 Ernie Crocock bursaries to Grade 7 graduates at the school’s graduation ceremony on June 18. They are Victor Chen and Victoria Rogers. Both will be attending St. Thomas More.

I must thank Bro. Gary for making up all the certificates for the Knight’s awards and those for the bursaries.

The new executive will be meeting before Sept. to plan for the upcoming year. Please feel free to contact any of the executive with your suggestions for improving the operation of the Council.

Have a great restful summer but do not stop looking for prospects to increase our membership.

I must take this opportunity to thank all of you for the unfailing support that I received that last 3 years and the new Grand Knight can be assured of your continuing support.




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