Church Director Message November 2012
My Fellow Brother Knights:
Is it me……or have we really changed our behavior at Mass?
When we enter the church do we find it difficult to turn off the outside world and focus on spiritual nourishment?
Is it because the physical structure of the church does not have a “gathering†place so that parishioners may greet each other prior to Mass?
When we walk into the main body of the church, is it not time to turn off the outside world?
Once there it’s OK for a genuine greeting. This can be done very simply by a smile, a wink, a slight touch or a hand shake of acknowledgment. It also respects those who have already arrived and are personally reflecting with God.
I suspect we may have lost the awe and wonder of two symbols there for us as we enter the church…………..the holy water font and the act of genuflecting. How can one complain that the church is not relevant in today’s world if they ignore or abuse these very active signs that we are in God’s presence?
The Mass provides plenty of opportunity for group worship through song and vocal prayer. Again, it may just be me; but it seems that so many of the “loud†ones prior to Mass are not so loud during Mass. Doesn’t speak very well for me when during Mass I’m busy tabulating a list of vocal participants versus the quiet ones does it!
Do I need a shake?
Yes……….and I do……… looking up at the crucified Christ in the sanctuary and with humility I whisper…….“sorryâ€!
I return to active participation in the Mass and consciously focus on Him while exiting the church by doing a dignified “signing of the cross†with water from the holy font and a very slow and deliberate genuflection.
Knowing it must just be me but that I can still relate with Him despite the distractions.
While writing this; I realized that I tell God “sorry†a lot……….but not many humans. So; I just made a promise to myself to tell a fellow human “I’m Sorry†for any grief I may have caused them………and I’m going to start with my wife.
Brother Dallas, Church Director BC and Yukon.
Tags: Church Director Message
[…] check out the Church Director’s November Message and the November Meditation below. […]